Code of Conduct for Coaches
Performer Development
Developing aerial performers is a privilege that we don’t take lightly. We recognize that the values, rules, and guidelines promulgated by this organization come with real-world impacts for the aerial community.
We value and respect the coaches, trainers, instructors, and studio owners who put their trust in our competition as part of their performer development programs. For those who choose competition as a vehicle for improvement and growth in their performers, we strive to offer a positive experience by promoting safety, inclusiveness, joy, and self expression through aerial circus arts.
We recognize that performance scores are subjective and not everyone will place where they or their coaches might hope. We support the concept that there is value in receiving feedback as a tool to improve in the pursuit of individual goals. More importantly, we promote the understanding that aerial circus performance is an opportunity that can be pursued well into adulthood. Friendships and reputations built through competition can lead to long-term career opportunities, regardless of placings in any single event or season.
We cannot do this important work without you. You have an important role in your performer’s physical and social development. It is with this in mind that Aerialympics expects each coach to adhere to the following code of conduct:
Health, Safety, and Longevity
Coaches are expected to:
Support the mental and physical health of the performer.
Teach aerial skills in a progressive manner with benchmark requirements at each level.
Be aware of the effect certain moves and techniques may have on the health and longevity of the performer, and take steps to support both immediate and long-term functionality.
Use appropriate safety equipment at all times when training performers.
Read and understand the safety requirements for competition as described in the most recent version of the Aerialympics Competitor Packet.
Rules and Regulations
Coaches are expected to:
Understand and follow the rules regarding skills for each division that they are coaching.
Instruct performers in the rules and coach each performer in such a way that they are motivated to perform within the rules at all times and not look for loopholes.
Review the competitor packet regularly in order to ensure that performers are in appropriate divisions.
Choreograph within the rules of the division in which the performer is entered.
Immediately adjust the performer’s level for the next competition when instructed to do so by a minimum of 2 judges or Aerialympics leadership.
Adhere to our commitment to family-friendly, positive language and comportment in performer music, costuming, props, and clothing.
Thoroughly review all lyrics before submitting music to ensure it supports Aerialympics values and doesn’t promote sexual themes in minor performers.
Positive Interactions
Coaches are expected to:
Promote positive interactions between performers and other participants, such as making new friends or renewing relationships during the competition.
Help performers know how to receive any placing decision announced during the awards ceremony with a positive response, even if it is disappointing.
Encourage performers to celebrate wins in other performers, including direct competitors.
Focus on performers bringing their best performances to the stage, rather than tearing down the competition.
Refrain from any abusive, offensive, belittling or obscene comments/gestures directed toward anyone involved in the Aerialympics, including performers, competitors, coaches, spectators, and judges.
Refrain from complaining about placings or other judge decisions during the competition.
Never engage in bullying, harassment, or other threatening behavior, including (but is not limited to) in-person and online behavior towards performers, competitors, judges, coaches, production staff, and any others related to this event. This includes “smack talk” and other types of verbal intimidation.
Educate parents and other performer supporters in the positive culture of the Aerialympics and their role in it.
Be familiar with the Performers and Families Codes of Conduct and promote their understanding.
Communication with the Competition
We value your thoughts on every aspect of this competition and provide numerous ways for you to share your thoughts with us so we can continually improve the Aerialympics. However, we hope you understand the impact of a growing team program to our time and ability to communicate meaningfully. As a result of this growth, we feel the need to manage the times and ways we can make available to coaches to communicate.
Coaches are expected to:
Understand that aerial circus arts are subject to interpretation. Although you may disagree with the judges, it is important for coaches to model respect and courtesy and not contact Aerialympics staff if you simply disagree with how the judge valued the performances in your program.
Understand that we are continuing to expand judge oversight and trust that any inconsistencies you might see are also seen by senior judges who help us address these inconsistencies through real-time judge oversight, ongoing education, and rule clarification.
Use appropriate channels (email only at this time) to ask for clarification or express concern about a potential error with the judging system – not judge opinions.
Refrain from contacting staff for a minimum of 72 hours after receiving feedback. This will allow you to consider your initial response from a thoughtful standpoint.
Supply evidence within the rules or the results and feedback forms to support your concerns, if you do choose to reach out after the 72 hour waiting period.
Follow formal Aerialympics processes to request a review of competition results and feedback, including:
72 hour waiting period
Email only as a reply to the email that sent out the feedback
Allow 7-10 days for a response from Aerialympics leadership
Not reach out to Aerialympics staff or judges via personal cell phone numbers, emails, or social media for any reason.
Coaches who violate the Code of Conduct can incur deductions and disqualification for their performers, or be invited not to participate in future Aerialympics events.
Code of Conduct for Families
Performer Care
We recognize and are grateful for the time and resources families devote to supporting their children in the aerial circus arts. Our goals for your performer are described in the Code of Conduct for Coaches, but many are equally applicable here, so we encourage you to read them.
While this applies specifically to parents or guardians of minor performers, it is valuable for all individuals attending an Aerialympics event as a spectator or support person to familiarize themselves with the contents and spirit of this code. As a parent, guardian, or primary support for a performer, you have many important roles and responsibilities. Part coach, part cheerleader, and part advisor, your most important role might be as a model of character.
It is with that in mind that Aerialympics expects each parent or guardian to adhere to the following code of conduct.
Health, Safety, and Longevity
As a parent, guardian, or family member of a child performer, you are expected to:
Hold the physical and mental health of your child as a key value.
Not prompt your child to engage in reckless or unnecessarily risky behavior (training skills outside of their capabilities, using unsafe or inadequate equipment, ignoring the coach, etc.)
Not force your child to participate in any Aerialympics event.
Never yell at or ridicule your child for making a mistake or losing a competition.
Promote the emotional and physical well-being of your child ahead of your own desire for them to win.
Recognize that you are ultimately responsible for the well-being of your child and take steps to protect and support them.
Rules and Regulations
As a parent, guardian, or family member of a child performer, you are expected to:
Familiarize yourself with the Aerialympics Competitor Packet and competition rules and regulations.
Respect the authority of the judges and Aerialympics staff during competitions and not question, confront, or challenge their decisions at Aerialympics events.
Positive Interactions
As a parent, guardian, or family member of a child performer, you are expected to:
Remember that children participate in aerial arts to have fun, grow their skills, and make friends, and that competition is for the benefit of the performer, not the parent or coach.
Model good behavior by demonstrating respect, courtesy, and a positive attitude toward all performers, coaches, spectators, staff, and judges.
Praise your child for their efforts and their character and teach them that doing their best is more important than winning.
Not coach your child or other performers during the competition, rehearsals, or affiliated events unless you are a designated coach for their team.
Not go backstage unless you are a designated adult whose access was established prior to the event.
Communication with the Competition
We value the thoughts of the Aerialympics community on every aspect of this competition and provide numerous ways for you to share your thoughts with us so we can continually improve the Aerialympics. However, due to the expansive growth of participation in the competition, we need to manage the times and ways we can make available to people to communicate.
As a parent, guardian, or family member of a child performer, you are expected to:
Use your performer’s coach as the primary means of communication with the Aerialympics, and only contact us directly if that method fails.
Only use appropriate channels of communication (currently limited to email) to submit questions regarding rules, judging, or other concerns.
Not use personal cell phone numbers, emails, or social media to communicate with Aerialympics staff or judges regarding the competition, placings, complaints or concerns.
Understand that it may take 7-10 days to receive a response from Aerialympics staff
Families who violate the Code of Conduct may be asked to leave the event or be invited not to participate in future Aerialympics events.
Aerialympics Code of Conduct for Performers
Performer Focus
We are delighted to welcome performers of all ages, abilities, sizes, shapes, cultures, and backgrounds to our events. We strive to help all performers feel that they belong on that stage and to know that they are deserving of every second of applause. You are the reason this competition exists.
Performing at an Aerialympics event is a privilege that should not be taken for granted. As a competitive artist, there will be times when the outcome isn’t what you had hoped for but it is important to remember that competition is a great way to set and achieve goals beyond the placing in that moment. It gives you defined timelines for developing skills and polishing performances.
A key element to participating in Aerialympics is getting to know others who love the circus aerial arts as much as you do. If you take the time to develop relationships with other performers from around the world, you will gain far more from participating than any medal you might take home.
With every new competition there is a chance to grow and be your own kind of amazing. It is with that in mind that we expect every performer to follow this code of conduct.
Health, Safety, and Longevity
As a performer, you are expected to:
Take an active part in ensuring your own health, safety, and longevity by listening to coaches, parents, and other trusted advisors on these topics.
Use a mat and other recommended safety equipment in practice and in competition.
Not perform under the influence of alcohol or drugs that could affect your ability to safely execute your routine, including prescription drugs.
Rules and Regulations
As a performer, you are expected to:
Respect the authority of the judges and Aerialympics staff during competitions and not question, confront, challenge, or complain about their decisions at Aerialympics events.
Compete honestly. Compete in the correct category. Learn and follow the rules of your category.
Positive Interactions
As a performer, you are expected to:
Be kind. Treat all performers, coaches, parents, staff, and judges as you would want to be treated.
Support others. Clap and cheer for other performers regardless of whether they are on your team, or in your category.
Remember that everyone has gone through struggles to get where they are and they are all doing their best. Be generous when you win and gracious when you lose.
Be a team player. Cooperate with your coaches, parents, teammates, and opponents. Without them, we wouldn’t be here.
Be respectful. Don’t talk, create distractions, or move around during performances, announcements, or awards. If you need to have a moment to yourself or a conversation during those times, please move it to a more private area.
Accept the decisions and actions of Aerialympics staff and judges. Avoid complaining about results or decisions during events.
Communication with the Competition
We recognize that there are times you may have questions. In order to support the team programs participating in our events and to keep our ability to communicate at a manageable level, your first step should be to ask your coach for answers and only reach out directly if that communication fails.
As a performer, you are expected to:
Speak to your coach first. If your coach doesn’t have answers, they should reach out to us and then take answers back to you.
Only use appropriate channels of communication (currently limited to email) to submit questions regarding rules, judging, or other concerns, if you do not have a coach.
Not use personal cell phone numbers, emails, or social media to communicate with Aerialympics staff or judges regarding the competition, placings, complaints or concerns.