REVELERS AERIAL WORKS | October 5-6, 2024

This event is open to everyone, at any level of ability, anywhere in the world!

You may sign up for virtual (In the Wild) or in person (Live) competition. Live and In the Wild performers compete in separate divisions.

This event is a qualifier for Nationals. Points earned here will increase your chances of being invited to compete in person at Nationals, whether you sign up for the LIVE or In the Wild option. Winning at a qualifier does not guarantee your invitation to compete in person at Nationals.



Revelers Aerial Works, 1369 South Bertelsen Road, Building E, Suite 2, Eugene, OR 97402 HINT: Go into the industrial entry, not the housing area next door.

Waivers (2 Required)

  • ALL Performers (LIVE and In the Wild) are required to sign an Aerialympics waiver before performing.

  • All LIVE performers are required to sign a waiver for the venue (Revelers) prior to competing. This is a second waiver, separate from the one you sign for the Aerialympics. All waivers for performers who are not yet 18 must be signed by the performers legal parent or guardian.


You are welcome and encouraged to bring your own apparatus to meet any specific needs you might have. All apparatus will undergo an assessment by our head rigger prior to being used in the event.

We only rig single-point apparatus at our regional competitions. If you have an apparatus that requires 2 points (e.g., static trapeze), please bring a spreader bar and plan for a single-point rig response in your apparatus.

Note that if the equipment is deemed unsafe when inspected onsite, we have the right to refuse to rig it. In no case will the event organizers or host studio be liable for issues you encounter when using your own apparatus, even after a passing inspection.

Studio Apparatus, Rigging & Mats

  • Silks - 22ft of workable silk with 25ft ceilings, 10ft of tails, 108" wide, color: Ivory, low stretch

  • Lyra (all are measured from the inside diameter of the lyra),

    • Single Tabs: 34", 35", 36".

    • Double Tabs: 36", 37", 39"

  • Spanset choices for all specialty apparatus or lyra - 10ft, 8ft, 6ft, 4ft

  • Sling/Hammock - 13ft sling, 108" wide, tied on a rescue 8 with an extra 2 feet knotted at the top

  • Trapeze - Dance trapeze with 6.5ft cotton ropes with steel cable core, 24" inch bar with elbow pads taking up some of the space, rigged on spreader plate with the effect of being a single point.

  • We do not have a static trapeze.

  • We also have other dance traps that are less nice with the following specs:

    • 23″ Trapeze Bar – 1″ Hollow steel tube with welded attachment tabs

    • Two Stainless Steel, Snag-less Shackles, with spacers

    • Two High Strength Spun Polyester 7ft Ropes, no cable cores

  • Moon and sphere specialty apparatus also available

  • Mats: 8'X6' and 12" thickness, 6'X4' and 8" thickness, or 6'X4' and 6" thickness

  • Manual steel pulley system with a 3:1 ratio, 11.0mm static kernmantle rope certified to UL Life Safety Rope Specifications, NFPA 1983:2012 Edition, Z359.1 ANSI Standards for Personal Fall Arrest Systems, Minimum Breaking Strength: 33.3kn (7500 lbs), tied with a bow line knot. We will use this for all apparatuses but silks.

  • Everything is rigged off steel ceiling beams manufactured specifically for our aerial needs. Beam clamps rated for 2 tons of pressure, and steel carabiners and swivels. The only movement we are not rated for is swinging trapeze or flying trapeze as the beam clamps are for vertical pressure only.


  • $10 per person each day of the comp. Ages 6 and under get in free.

  • Performers and coaches get in free if they are wearing a badge that matches the day of their performance. Badges are provided at the door during check-in.

  • Tickets will be available at the door and via the link below.

Online Viewing

  • We do not live stream any performances.

  • All performers and coaches will be given access to view all available performances. Access will be automatically granted to the email addresses supplied during registration. Some performances will not be available for viewing at the discretion of event management.

  • Access will be available approximately one week after the event is over and stays up for 6 weeks after the final day of the event, after which videos are archived.

  • Performance videos are view-only and not downloadable. If you are a performer and would like to download your video, please purchase it through the link below. This is typically the best way to share viewing with friends and family, because you can post or share your video directly with them. Competitors will receive a link to download purchased video approximately one week after the end of the competition. Photos will not be available for this event.

Everyone else can purchase view-only access to the event (as described above) for $20. We will not be granting access to individual performances or divisions due to administrative overhead.

Health and Safety

Top-of-mind for many competitors is how to navigate the ever-changing Covid landscape. At this time we're going with the rules in whatever location we're holding the competition, and for this event that means no vaccine requirements, no masking requirement, and no social distancing requirement. We will, of course, support the personal decisions of each person who attends, but we believe medical decisions are best made between individuals and their doctors and parents (if they are a minor). We are encouraging anyone who feels uncomfortable with this decision to perform using the virtual option, which allows everyone to have more control over their environment.

Another question we occasionally receive is emergency care. After extensive conversation with studio owners and performers we are taking the common-sense approach of knowing when to call the professionals, rather than having a dedicated medical individual on staff. Much like when you attend your regular classes or engage in performance opportunities, we will rely on the excellent emergency response of local health care providers. Again, if you are uncomfortable with this decision, please use the virtual performance option, where you can arrange your own medical professionals to be available to you, should you wish.

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • Registration Opens - Thursday, August 8, 2024

  • Registration Deadline - Thursday, September 12

  • Music, Prop, and Waiver Deadline - Thursday, September 19

  • Deadline to Schedule Adjudicated Performance - Friday, September 20

  • Deadline to Record Performance In the Wild - Monday, September 23

LIVE Performances:

  • Silks - Saturday, October 5

  • Lyra, Hammock, Specialty - Sunday, October 6

  • NOTE: All LIVE performers will stage test on the same day that they compete and stage testing is mandatory.

  • Workshops will be held Saturday and Sunday evening after performances but before awards.

Awards Ceremonies:

  • In the Wild

    • Silks, Lyra, Hammock, and Specialty: Friday, October 5 - 9PM Posted on IG and and the website

  • Live

    • Silks: Saturday, October 4 - 9PM Pacific In Person only

    • Lyra, Hammock, and Specialty: Sunday, October 8 - 9PM Pacific In Person only

      • If you compete in person but need your medal mailed to you, you must email us with that request after the event ends. Do not assume we know that you did not stay to receive your medal, even if you tell us during the event.

  • Medals Mailed - Monday, October 14-Monday, October 21

  • Online Viewing Links Emailed - Monday, October 14-Tuesday, October 15

  • Judge Feedback Emailed - Monday, October 21-Monday, October 28

  • Online Viewing Removed - Monday, November 25

Get notifications! Click on an event in the calendar below to add to your Google calendar.

Workshops and Events

Workshops will be hosted all weekend long. You will have the opportunity to check out banging drops, rolling on bars, tricky fabric transitions, and dynamic work. Workshop registration is now open and can be signed up for below!

All workshops are open to anyone attending in person who meets the pre-reqs for the desired workshop. You don’t have to be a competitor to sign up for the workshops but you do have to sign waivers.

Pre-Competition Open Gym (Competitors Only): Friday October 4th, 5:30-6:30, 6:30-7:30, 7:30-8:30 - $25/hr
Open gyms are in 1 hour time slots, you may sign up for multiple. Participation is for competitors only. Riggers will be on site to assist with equipment hanging. Silks guaranteed, all other apparatuses are first come first serve.

Silks Drop Shop: Saturday October 5th, 6:00pm-7:15pm - $40
Come learn some super fun and unique drops! We will explore some stacking drops, spicy open drops, and lots of fun flippy-dos! We recommend that you are familiar and able to invert multiple times in one session, have a basic understand of same side hooks and catchers wraps.

Fabric Witchcraft: Saturday October 5th, 7:30pm-8:45pm - $40
Time to spice up your transition skills! We will work on sequences that take you from common places into flashy fun drops. We promise it will be so slay. We recommend that you are able to do a basic hip key and split fabric inverts.

Let’s Roll!: Sunday October 6th, 6:00pm-7:15pm - $40
This workshop will cover several types of rolling that work on both trapeze or hoop as well as taking you into hammock rolling. Some types we shall cover are barrel, lever split rolls, elbow, and snake rolls. We recommend that you are able to do a pullover on bar and are comfortable with inverting although it is not required for this class. Please bring a sweatshirt, hoody, or elbow coverage to protect your skin.

Dynamic Hoop: Saturday October 6th, 7:30pm-8:45pm - $40
Swinging, flipping, illusions, and dynamic dismounts are just a few things we will cover. Learn to move dynamically in some stunning but achievable dynamic sequences. We recommend that you be comfortable in an aerial hoop and be able to invert to the top bar or be able to do a pullover. Please bring a sweatshirt, hoody, or elbow coverage to protect your skin.